Start your writing here:  On Saturday me and my family, cousin, mum ,dad ,uncle. First of all we hiked up the mountain and then camped on the snowy hard ground. Then my cousin had a brilliant idea of going skiing. So I thought about it for a moment and finally said ok let’s go’. Next second we were skiing down the gigantic slope. First I slipped and crashed  but then I got up again and tried again the second time I nailed it. My cousin got super hungry so we hiked back up the slope and then straight toward the tent that we were staying in then me and my cousin went exploring around the snow. We had a huge snow fight. I threw the ball at him but he ducked and it hit a pile of white snow. Then he hit me and then it hit me right on my forehead!!. I was so angry that I picked so many snowballs that i could hold and threw them at my big cousin and nailed it. After that we went back to our tent and rested for a few hours.  Then we built a giant snowman with a carrot nose we used from our fruit pile. We built  two one looked like my cousin (well nearly). Then we decided to go somewhere else. Then we went to a skiing competition. We came second on one of them but my cousin came first on a slide  where you had to slide while skiing.It was pretty fun skiing, I told my cousin when we hopped into our car. Then we visited an old fake haunted house. It was pretty scary there. My cousin was freaked out but we realised that it wasnt that scary at all. It was just an old microphone that the screams were coming from. We were still laughing when we came out from the haunted house. My mom and dad decided to check out a shop. We stayed in the car when they came back. My mom had bought me a watch and my cousin a new balck gaming laptop!!!. My cousin was so happy that he was jumping up and down. We went back home listening to nice music. When we reached home my cousin was playing with his gaming laptop and I was too busy playing games. Then my mom took me to my basketball training then after i was finished i went home and practised my basketball skills. We ate fish for dinner my dad had bought from the shop. Then we went to bed. We also found that the skiing competitions that we did were quite good and we both got  certificates. Then the next day we went to my grandpa’s house where we ate icecream and played some card games. Then grandpa took us on a bike ride. It was so much fun. I bumped into some rubbish because my cousin pushed it but still it was pretty fun. After that we were exhausted. So we got some rest and went out to the woods then I found an interesting rock which almost looked like a watch. I picked it up and went deeper into the woods. My cousin  was next to me. I could tell he was scared but we found nothing except for the rock that I found. We were walking back when a car nearly ran me over!!!!. Then we went back to my grandpa’s house and went to cinemas to watch Sing 2. The movie was kind of boring but still kind of good.Then we went inside grandpa’s car and went back to his house i was pretty tired so we said goodbye to grandpa and went back home.   Hi guys Vibhore here i have worked on my writing i hope you like it.


My save our habitat writing

Hello bloggers vibhore here i have been working on this writing its really cool its about animls trying to save thier home.

I hope you like it.

see you later.